2019 MGWA Membership Renewal

Metropolitan Golf Writers Association

49 Knollwood Road    Elmsford, NY 10523    (914) 347-4653



January 2, 2019


Dear MGWA Members,


Happy New Year!  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.


Renewal is now underway for 2019 MGWA membership.  Dues are as follows:  Regular Members $75, Associate Members $100 and Retired Members $25.


To renew online, please click here.  You will need to be logged in to the MGWA website to access the form (reminder, your user name is your preferred email address and your password is your last name – capitalize the first letter).  Please note that the information you provide on this form will be included in our Member Roster (this Roster is only visible to fellow MGWA members).


For those who prefer to pay by check, please print out the form on the website (click here to access it; again, you must be logged in), complete it and mail it with your check (made out to the MGWA) to Robin Sauerhaft, MGWA, 49 Knollwood Road, Elmsford, NY 10523.


Thank you, and I hope to see you in the coming year!


Best wishes,

Robin Sauerhaft


Robin Sauerhaft I Client Administrator, MGWA

Metropolitan Golf Association

49 Knollwood Road  I  Elmsford, NY 10523-2819

(O) 914-347-4653 ext. 312  I  (F) 914-347-3437

www.mgagolf.org  rsauerhaft@mgagolf.org