MGWA Members -- Need Your Help!


Metropolitan Golf Writers Association


49 Knollwood Road    Elmsford, NY 10523    (914) 347-4653



A note from MGWA President Dave Donelson:


It's time for all MGWA members to step up and support our most important purpose:  Raising money for the NY metro caddie scholarship funds and other worthy causes at our annual National Awards Dinner.  YOU can help three ways:


1.  Buy a ticket to the dinner. It's on May 13th at the Westchester Marriott in Tarrytown, NY.  Your member ticket price of $125 will be more than offset by the gift bag you'll receive!  Log in to the website, then click here to access the Members-Only Ticket Page (it won't be visible if you don't log in).


2.  Bid on our Silent Auction prizes -- three fabulous items created specifically for the MGWA dinner.  Bidding is open now -- to bid, click here.


3.  Buy and SELL raffle tickets. After you've bought your own, please reach out to all your friends.  An email with the link URL ( will enable them to buy online with a credit card.


We're on track to make this a record year for the MGWA National Awards Dinner, but we need your help NOW to reach our goals and send more kids to college.


If you have any questions, please contact Robin Sauerhaft at, or 914-347-4653, X312.


