Clarification of Hempstead Outing Date

Metropolitan Golf Writers Association

49 Knollwood Road    Elmsford, NY 10523    (914) 347-4653


Dear MGWA Members,


Yesterday's email notification for the upcoming Hempstead outing had the incorrect date in the subject line (although the date was correct in the rest of the email).  Please note that the outing will be held on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26TH (not on June 24th as noted in the headline).


My apologies for any confusion.


Best wishes,



Robin Sauerhaft | Client Administrator, MGWA

Metropolitan Golf Association

49 Knollwood Road  |  Elmsford, NY 10523-2819

(O) 914-347-4653 ext. 312  |  (F) 914-347-3437  |