Signup Entries for Tuxedo are Closed!


Metropolitan Golf Writers Association

49 Knollwood Road    Elmsford, NY 10523    (914) 347-4653




Field of Golfers Has Reached Its Maximum



To: All MGWA Members

From: Chuck Stogel, Chairman, MGWA Activities Committee


The signup period to attend the Met Golf Writers meeting and outing on July 31st at The Tuxedo Club has been closed. The response of RSVPs was quite plentiful, and we have reached a limit on the number of golfers we are able to accommodate on the course in conjunction with the club also being open for partial play by its own members that day as well.


Our original signup deadline of Monday, July 29, is now void.


If you wish, you may check later in the week to see if there have been any cancellations. Please check directly with MGWA activities chairman Chuck Stogel via email at Please include a cc: on the email for Robin Sauerhaft at the MGWA office,


We also have no room for any more guests. As noted in the original signup notice, the Quill & Tee member-guest event would be capped if it reached 20+ twosomes.


Thanks to all for your strong support and understanding.