Quill & Tee 2020 Signups are Open!



Metropolitan Golf Writers Association

49 Knollwood Road    Elmsford, NY 10523    (914) 347-4653


Dear MGWA Members,


April 1st -- the beginning of handicap posting season -- is almost here, so it's time to sign up for the Quill & Tee Golf Club!


The Quill & Tee Golf Club is the MGWA’s exclusive Club Without Real Estate.  Quill & Tee members are invited to participate in numerous events and also receive various benefits including MGA-GHIN handicapping services and The Met Golfer magazine.


All MGWA members are eligible to join the Quill & Tee GC, including those who may be members at other clubs.  Annual dues are $55.  To renew your membership or join for the 2020 season, simply log in to our website -- click the green Login button on the home page, enter your username and your password, then click here (your username is your email and your password is your last name; capitalize the first letter).  You can also find the form under the Meetings and Outings tab on our home page, but you must be logged in to access it.


Our 2020 MGWA meetings and outings calendar is currently being finalized and will be sent to you as soon as possible.  As always, our schedule will include a variety of activities, including special presentations by guest speakers and competitions exclusively for members of the Quill & Tee GC, with prizes awarded.  We will obviously monitor the COVID-19 situation carefully and will make adjustments as necessary.


We look forward to welcoming you to the club!


Best wishes,

Robin Sauerhaft


Robin Sauerhaft Client Administrator, MGWA

Metropolitan Golf Association

49 Knollwood Road  I  Elmsford, NY 10523-2819

(O) 914-347-4653 ext. 312  I  (F) 914-347-3437

www.mgagolf.org  I  rsauerhaft@mgagolf.org